
The University of Faisalabad is a nonprofit organization that provides quality education to students. Those students who want to pursue their higher education but are not able to afford it. The University of Faisalabad designed a scholarship policy for them. The purpose of this policy is to guide students on how they can avail this opportunity. This policy also reveals different kinds of policies that universities offer and elaborate the criteria as well. There are some scholarships that students get at the time of admission

  • Quaid-e-Azam
  • Huma Alumni Scholarship
  • Kinship scholarship
  • Jahangir Scholarship
  • Sir Syed School
  • Afra Karim Scholarship
  • Domestic Scholarship
  • Noori scholarship
  • Merit scholarship
  • International Scholarship
  • Rules governing scholarships

Scholarships will be paid to supplement tuition fees only. If a student is eligible for two or more scholarships, the one with the highest amount will be awarded, and the rest will be withdrawn. Every scholarship holder must finish his/her enrolled program in the prescribed minimum duration of the program.

  • Fatima, Zainab & Rafiq scholarships will be awarded to as many as 10% of the size of the class.
  • Award of the scholarship will be withdrawn.
  • Attendance falls below 75%
  • The GPA/CGPA falls below the prescribed limit as mentioned in each clause.
  • The students get F grades in any subject.